Automation Robotics College

A Global Educator in Robotics

Robotics Technician Program

Being a Robotics Technician can come with excellent benefits, a good salary, job advancement opportunities and a chance to help engineers design and build robotic systems and keep them running smoothly.

The average salary for a Robotics Technician in California is $66,907 per year ( ₹3.5 Lakhs per year in India), with a Robotics Technician in California earning up to $74,000 depending on experience, skills, industry and employer.

How is the Course structured ?

A three-month program designed by professionals in the field to provide the knowledge and hands-on experience necessary to work as an entry level robotics technician in industry.

Extensive operational training is provided with an emphasis on robotic application and control.

How is the Course Delivered?

The course is delivered between 5:30pm and 9pm, 2 days a week.
Dates and Course Commencements are location specific, and can be found in the links below.

What will I learn?


Robotics Technician Certificate

Machine Shop Math* MMS 102 14 1
Introduction to Mechanical Systems MMS 100 8 1
Electrical Systems EES 100 8 1
Introduction to Robotics MMS 106 14 2
Robotic Tools, Work Cells, and Sensing MMC 108 14 2
Robotic Programming, Integration, and Operation MMC 110 14 2
TOTAL: 72 9

Training Outcomes

Job titles at course completion
  • Entry-Level Robotics Technician
What is the Qualification I will receive on completion?

Robotics Technician Certificate

Automation Robotics College is offering the 3D Printing in Construction Program in the following Locations:

Newark, New Jersey
Fayetteville, North Carolina
San Diego, California
Kolkata, West Bengal
Bengaluru, Karnataka

Start your journey to a career as a Robotics Technician today.
