Elon Musk’s School has a focus on Problem Solving

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Elon Musk funds a school for his children named Ad Astra. The school is small with only Elon’s children and the children of some Space X employees.

What is notable about the school is its curriculum, which is heavy on science, math, engineering, robotics and artificial intelligence. There are no grades.

In interviews Elon has said that the children often learn using problem solving – for example taking apart and putting an engine back together, with the students problem solving to determine where the component parts fitted.

Elon has said that this is different to how a conventional school would teach, traditionally breaking down subjects to teach each component part.

The curriculum at Ad Astra teaches no sport, languages or music. Elon believes that languages will be overtaken by translation software.

The school’s pillars including caring about community, focussing on student experiences, and sharing the work they do with the world.

In the 2030s many jobs are going to be quite different from jobs that exist today. The future of work will involve robots and Artificial Intelligence collaborating with humans, with machine and human collaboration becoming mainstream.

Ad Astra seeks to prepare its students to be problem solvers using the technology of tomorrow.






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