Blockchain: A Global Startup Hub Analysis

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Startus Insights Platform have analyzed the geographical distribution of global activity in the Blockchain field.

They identified 25 regional hubs that observe high activity in developing Blockchain solutions across industries such as Healthcare, Manufacturing, and Construction.

The largest global startup hub for Blockchain is Silicon Valley, which provides opportunities to experiment and easy access to venture capital. This has led to start-ups combining Blockchain with other technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) to develop innovative uses for Blockchain Technology.

These uses have been applied to a range of industries, such as Smart Construction, Industry 4.0, Food and Pharma Packaging, and Agriculture.

As well as Silicon Valley, the Top 5 Blockchain Startup Hubs were in London, New York, Singapore and Los Angeles.

The full article can be found at,from%20these%205%20top%20hubs.

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